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Co-Founder & Chair
Mr. Akhunkhail brings decades of executive level experience in Corporate America and has been an entrepreneur for many years. As the head of few corporations he owns a number of hospitality properties in the United States. He is also the founder of a well-known charity called Sir Foundation. He is an activist, community engager, and mentor to many youngsters. He is a peace lover and defender of voiceless people all around the globe regardless of their faith, skin color, ethnicity, social class, or gender.

Co-Founder & Treasurer
Currently serving as the CEO/President of Atlanta based Premier Petroleum, Inc., one of the largest fuel distribution network in the South East of the United States.Mr. Dhanani is a well-known philanthropist nationally and internationally but always prioritize the work and helps which impact local communities.He serves as a board member and advisor on many governments, businesses, education and charitable organizations nationally and internationally.

Co-Founder & Secretary
Long time Atlantan, Mr. Haque is the CEO/President of a well know insurance brokerage house called Bulldog Insurance Agency. His company writes insurance policies in thirty (30) states of the United States. Mr. Haque is also a well-known philanthropist and part of many charities in metro Atlanta area. He is also the current Chairman of the Board of a well-known charity called Glitter of Hope Foundation, that serves the local refugee community.
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